Hey travelers and curious souls!
This is the 1 million dollars question. The question I get on a daily basis and I wish the answer was simple and easy. Being a full time-traveller, a business owner and a content creator is a FULL TIME JOB.I actually work more than what I used to work when I was a corporate employee.
The secret to affording how to travel is a combination of so many things and it starts with the simple things first; I need to compromise on so many things I buy to be able to sustain the cash I have. Give up on luxury at start, give up on daily coffee from speciality cafes, give up on buying that amazing bag you’ve been wanting and more. It’s all about choices and re-allocating your existing cash.
Travel is expensive. I apply some tricks that help me sustain my trips, travel with a smaller amount of cash but still receive the luxury travel. What are the tricks? An example is flight miles; I got a credit card that allows me to gain miles on my frequently travelled on airlines. I am able to book with miles or travel business with an upgrade because of the miles.
Today, I can afford to travel after I built a brand name for myself 10 years later. Each person’s journey is different than the other. Decide, make a plan and make it happen.