My birthday happened 3 times in 2019!!!!

My birthday happened 3 times in 2019!!!!

it was SO confusing for me at start! Then its awesome haha

We flew from Auckland to Tahiti on 12th of November.. woke up in Tahiti and it was already November 13th in Auckland so hey, Let’s celebrate right? Only to discover its back to November 12 in Tahiti…. cause of time difference! I celebrated anyway….

Then, I flew to Bora Bora, and celebrated on the 13th of November! The actual day..

When I left Borabora back to Auckland, my home country Kuwait welcomed the 13th of November a DAY LATER. so I celebrated, again! This was fun! Why not?

Haha sooo, If you’re going to Bora Bora, please pay attention to the time difference and your FLIGHT reservations from and to the French Polynesian islands. Give yourself time if you’re flying elsewhere from French Polynesia and outside of NZ especially those who are coming from the Middle East, pay attention to the flight departure times and do your calculations based on the time difference as it does get confusing.

That said, how’s that for a first time experience? Lucky me, I got to live the same day twice.. it’s the closest thing ive experience to time travel!