Hello965 friends: NARA, Japan

Hello965 friends: NARA, Japan

by @Almallaks

Why we chose this city: We chose this city for three reasons. #1, it has the largest Buddha statue in Japan. #2, it has wild deer that you can interact with and feed. #3, it has wild deer that you can interact with and feed – and they BOW to you as a thank you after feeding them. Need we say more?

Almallaks in JAPAN

Duration: We didn’t stay long in Nara, just a few hours to see the Buddha and deer. It was a stop on our way from Osaka to Kyoto; a very fun day trip.

2014-03-25 18.17.45

  • Things to do/see in Nara:
    • Largest Buddha in Japan. They close around 4 or 5pm so make sure you get there on time to see it.
    • Deer! On your walk to get to the Buddha, there will be deer everywhere. There are small stands where you can buy food for them. Watch what happens when you feed them and make sure to get some good shots and videos. Really special memories.Almallaks in JAPAN


[JR Train: (Nara to Kyoto) – 47m – 0 transfer]


Almallaks is all about family health and fitness. Saad and Noor – fitness enthusiasts at heart – with their little girl, Faye, post about their daily life, workouts, food and parenthood in hopes that they can grow as a family, stay active, have fun, and inspire others to do the same.
Instagram: @almallaks – Snapchat: almallaks