Hello Seattle | 24 Hours

Hello Seattle | 24 Hours

Hello Seattle!!!

I’ve made it to Seattle through Los Angeles. The flight was about 2 hours something.

I know it’s a real quick visit to Seattle (literally a transit!) but since its my first time here, I really wanted to see the highlights or the most important things in Seattle. This is what we managed to see:

  • I wanted a good breakfast, near the hotel we were staying at. We’ve been recommended two options and i’ve decided on and loved: Macrina Bakery and Cafe

After breakfast our day kicked off! Here are the spots we stopped at:

  • Pike Place Market

A great place to wander and explore for hours! Pike Place Market is a public market overlooking the Elliott Bay waterfront in Seattle. The Market opened August 17, 1907, and is one of the oldest continuously operated public farmers’ markets in the United States.

From there we saw the waterfront, the original Starbucks, Gum Wall and great shops around the area! Here’s a website where you could check the events and plan your visit there: http://pikeplacemarket.org

  • Gum Wall

Weird and cool at once? Its definitely worth experience and seeing.. don’t think too much into it and don’t touch anything haha!


The Seattle Gum Wall has been gathering gum since the early 1990s. The tradition began when people waiting for shows at nearby Unexpected Productions would stick gum to the wall and coins to the gum (you won’t see a lot of coins on the wall these days, just gum). Theater workers tried to keep the wall clean, but it didn’t work. The gum stuck—literally.




Gum is stuck to the walls along an alley for more than 50 feet. While most of the gum is within the average person’s arm reach, some can be impressively high up on the wall.

n 2015, the wall got stripped all the way down to its original brick and steam cleaned to help preserve the brick underneath. The work took 130 hours and 2,350 pounds of gum old and new were scraped away. However, once the cleaning was done, visitors quickly began adding gum to the wall again.


My card made it to the gum wall


The gum wall is one of a handful of weird attractions in Seattle, but it’s probably the grossest. If the wall of gum just isn’t enough for you, also consider a visit to the Fremont Troll, the Fremont Rocket or the actual communist statue of Lenin

Bubblegum Alley in San Luis Obispo is the other gum wall that most people may have heard of, but there’s also a gum wall in Greenville, Ohio.


  • Chihuly Garden and Glass

Chihuly Garden and Glass is an exhibit in the Seattle Center showcasing the studio glass of Dale Chihuly. The exhibit opened in 2012. The exhibit opened May 21, 2012 at the Seattle Center at the former site of the Fun Forest.


I loved this place! Needs a couple of hours and not a quick trip for sure!


  • Underground Tour

The entire central business district burned down in 1889, in what’s today known as The Great Seattle Fire. It started with a woodworker who mishandled hot glue, and resulted in 116 acres reduced to ash. City residents decided to rebuild atop the rubble rather than relocate, raising streets up to 22 feet in the process and using brick and steel to erect buildings instead of wood ..

For that, some tours are offered to the underground of Seattle! The tour isn’t AH-MAZING as I expected a bit more, however, if you have the time its cool to checkout.


  • Space Needle

The Space Needle is Seattle’s best-known icon. I was running out of time, so I headed back to the hotel were they offered free bike rentals, got the bike and biked my way to the last stop during my transit which was Space Needle!

The 600-foot-tall Space Needle was the brainchild of artist Edward E. Carlson, who sketched a design for the tower that would loom over the 1962 World’s Fair on a cocktail napkin. The structure, which was built in just 400 days, can withstand winds of up to 200 mph and a 9.1 magnitude earthquake (more on that later), thanks in part to its foundation, which extends 30 feet underground.

Other stuff I did not have the time to do, wouldn’t wanted to checkout:

  • Kenmore Air offers plane tours of the Emerald City starting at just $99 a person. For 20 minutes you’ll be flown around in a seaplane and enjoy a narrated tour with a bird’s-eye view of everything from downtown
  • Seattle Big Wheel