Porto Heli, Greece!

I was chatting with a friend one day about my trip to Greece, he mentioned a few islands for me which I’ve never been to/heard of before. One of the Islands my friend mentioned was Porto Heli. Luckily, I got invited by Nikki Beach Porto Heli in Greece for a few nights stay during my […]

Seychelles Weekend Guide ~ Hello965

I first wrote this post back in 2016 on my first visit to Seychelles. I’ve updated this post on my third visit to Seychelles, May 2021. If you have anything else to add, please go ahead and comment below! ♡ GENERAL INFO Seychelles has 115 islands, of which, 3 of them are the inhabitant ones. […]

Helpful Travel Applications

I love applications, and especially those that help make life easier. Here are a few applications I’ve personally used or plan to use that I find very helpful for travel in general.   Trip It (Travel Planner App –  يساعد بترتيب التخطيط و الحجوزات بشكل بسيط) TripIt is a travel planning app that gives you a […]

Antigua & Barbuda

Hello Antigua!! My trip to Antigua was back in 2018. It is pronounced: Antigua, An-TEE’ ga! It is also known as “Waladii or Wadadii” by the native population. I call Antigua the perfect tropical getaway! Visa needed: YES! You must apply online for the visa, it costs 100 USD: https://evisa.immigration.gov.ag/agEvisa-app/ Currency: Caribbean Dollars We flew from St […]

My Stay at Soneva Fushi, Maldives! 2020

I recently enjoyed a lovely birth month (November) in the Maldives ♡ My first stop was at Soneva Fushi, where measures were extra and well thought off to keep the feel of being there the closest thing to normal with corona-times! Upon arrival, there was a mandatory PCR test and in-room quarantine for 24 hours […]

Flying in 2020 with Qatar Airways!

Traveling generally in 2020 has been challenging for all industries and especially airlines. Major changes had to be implemented in order for them to ensure the safety and health of passengers, the employees and the aircrafts!  I’ve finally boarded my Qatar Airways flight this year 10 months later (don’t remember the last time I stayed […]