Greek Ionian Islands | جزر الايوني

in early May, I was invited with fellow travelers to island hop in the ionian islands! This is a short
A day in Athens | يوم في اثينا

We were on our way to the Ionian Islands, and since i’ve never been to Athens, I decided to “pit-stop”
When in Bangkok | تجربتي مع الاكل في بانكوك

Went on a foodie tour in China Town in Bangkok to experience the street food in Thailand! Comment below and
China Shocked Me | الصين اصدمتني

I did an Asia trip to Japan, South Korea and ended it with China, and the Great Wall of China!
Tokyo | طبخت في طوكيو

Tokyo oh Tokyo! Stayed in Tokyo for 5 nights, these are SOME of the things I did.. One of the
I danced in Kyoto! كيوتو في اليابان

Kyoto, you were beautiful.. (April, 2017) ______________________ SOCIAL MEDIA: Snapchat @hello965 Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: _______________________ Big
10 things in Osaka | اوساكا في اليابان

I spent a short 2 nights in Osaka and this is what I’d advise you to do.. ♡ ______________________ SOCIAL MEDIA: Snapchat @hello965 Instagram: